Mrs. Kellner, Librarian
412-833-1600 ext. 6015
Hello and welcome to the Streams Library! Here our students learn information literacy skills essential in the digital world and begin to foster a lifetime love of reading.
With a 13,000 plus volume collection and access to World Book Online our library strives to meet the reading and research needs of our students.
Our library curriculum, based on the PA School Library Model Curriculum, includes mastery of the standards necessary for students to be effective library users and researchers. These skills are taught during thirty-minute weekly visits. Whenever possible, skills are integrated into curricular topics that are relevant to the classroom.
Book selection is also a part of the weekly visit and additional book exchanges are always welcomed during library hours. All books are circulated for one week, but may be renewed.
The Streams Elementary Library is open from 8:00 am - 2:45 pm, Monday through Friday.
(You will need a USC District Canvas account to access.)