Bingo - 2024
We wanted to say THANK YOU all so very much for the support at BINGO for Brooks!
The turnout was unbelievable! We completely filled the USCHS cafeteria with over 400 people Friday night!
We couldn't have done it without all of YOU! All of our volunteers that night, our wonderful BINGO callers, Streams staff, Dr. K and all of the parents and students! You made the night a wonderful success for Brooks!!
We are so very happy to report that we will be giving The Murphy Family:
$5,032 raised on Friday night in addition to $2,000 that the Streams PTO donated on Friday evening.
$7,032 TOTAL !!!
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for making this night a success and being able to donate to The Murphy Family!
- BINGO Chairs, Amanda Clark and Britanny Weiler